Treatments osteopathy

Treatments osteopathy
Have you made an appointment for osteopathy treatment for yourself or your child? Then you will receive a confirmation of this appointment by email from the osteopath. In this message you will find a link with which you can complete an intake.
This form is filled with questions regarding the complaint, any past illnesses, bone fractures, surgeries or other relevant information regarding your health and daily functioning.
During the initial consultation, in preparation for the examination, the osteopath will first go over this intake form with you.
Next, the examination will take place: in your underwear, you will be examined by the osteopath in sitting and, for the most part, lying on the treatment table. In the case of your child, the examination will be modified to be as pleasant as possible for your child.
This examination focuses on the mobility of the musculoskeletal system, organs and structures of the craniosacral system. You can read more about these three systems within osteopathy on this page: What is osteopathy?

The examination is followed by treatment, in which the movement restrictions found to be important during the examination are reduced or eliminated.
The examination and treatment take place exclusively with the hands, no devices or the like are used by the osteopath.
The entirety of conversation, examination and treatment will take an hour the first time, both in babies and older children or adults. The follow-up treatments take about three-quarters of an hour in adults, and half an hour to three-quarters of an hour in a child.
If you would like to make an appointment for treatment at Sander Sprong Osteopathy, you can do so 24/7 through the online calendar.
If you would like to discuss osteopathy in general or osteopathy and your symptoms in particular first, you can find Sander Sprong Osteopathy’s contact information here.